Beacons Meet WiFi: Cisco Meraki Has Its Eye on Connected Spaces

Bluetooth LE beacons have shifted beyond prototypes and pilots into large-scale distribution. But this shift has brought us bumping up against the downside to a beacon’s elegance and simplicity. Because if a beacon is a relatively simple (and dumb) device, how do you intelligently manage them at scale?

One company thinks it has a solution. Meraki, a division of Cisco, launched a WiFi end point which can both act as a beacon and monitor devices in the area, report back to a cloud-based dashboard, and allow you to manage and shape WiFi traffic at the same time.

I spoke recently to the Meraki team. Adam Weis and Simon Tompson gave me an overview of their system and approach. For a company that’s managing massive networks of WiFi end points (70,000 hotel rooms in one case), they know a thing or two about fleet management.

And as beacons shift into distribution at scale, their approach will both help relieve some of the pain of beacon monitoring while offering the possibly larger advantage of being able to shape WiFi traffic and monitor WiFi networks from the same intuitive dashboard.

Beacons Call Home

The beauty of iBeacon (the trademarked term by Apple for its preferred configuration for the open standard of the Bluetooth Smart devices) was its simplicity. Apple did the heavy lifting in thinking about how beacons could be configured, provided easy-to-use software tools to help you create apps, and then stood back while the media branded the beacon industry with the iBeacon brush.

The move by Apple helped to accelerate an industry. By opening up support for beacon detection (and using your phone or tablet to broadcast as a beacon), we finally had a single standard that would work across all the major phone platforms. And by making the tools simple to use, it spurred a wave of innovation and testing which took advantage of the fact that a beacon doesn’t actually do very much.

Like any radio transmitter, a beacon transmits a signal. The signal contains a small packet of data (which also helps protect battery usage on both the beacon and the user’s phone), and that data includes unique ID numbers, some power and battery data, and a signal strength – all of which are used to identify which beacon you’ve detected and how far away you are.

But as the industry rapidly matured, this simplicity also started to show some cracks.

There was a scramble to make developing beacon detection for Android as simple as it was for Apple. And with Apple willing to enforce its trademarks and proprietary specifications, we started seeing separate beacon broadcasting specifications emerge, with a better-known example being the AltBeacon standard.

Beacon manufacturers emerged and took advantage of how relatively simple it was to build a beacon. But their simplicity came at a cost: it’s easy to create a beacon, configure it, put in a coin cell battery, and attach it to your wall.

But the beacons didn’t do much more than their original purpose. They broadcast a signal but they didn’t receive anything. If you wanted to reconfigure them or monitor their battery you needed to use an app while standing next to the beacon.

Your beacons, in other words, had no way to call home.

Managing Beacons at Scale

For a retailer, the idea that you’d deploy thousands of beacons across hundreds of locations and have no simple way to manage or monitor the devices without sending out staff seemed like a non-starter.

In the early days of the industry, more than one beacon company told me that managing your beacons wasn’t necessary: the devices were so cheap you could just throw them out when they died. But try telling that to a national retailer (or even a large museum!). Because the cost of training staff and sending them out to pop a new beacon on the wall was an instant deterrent to large installations.

The solutions included payloads embedded in user apps, extending the battery life through improved beacon performance, embedding beacons in light bulbs, or plugging them in. By making beacons last longer, the need to replace them would decrease.

But it was clear that beacon fleet management would quickly become a differentiator for the companies that could manage it well. Companies like Netclearance Systems launched a cloud management system and recently launched its Cloud Beacon.

These solutions relied on placing another device in a store or venue: a sort of “hub” which could both call home and send/receive data, and could connect with beacons in the area in order to update their firmware, change their IDs, or monitor their batteries or performance.

In a World of WiFi, We Have An Endpoint

But Meraki thought it had a more elegant solution. Because why add another device to your location when you already need a box for the most pervasive endpoints available: WiFi.

The company has changed the game for how institutions manage WiFi infrastructure – moving us from the dark ages of what often looked like a command line interfaces to an elegant cloud-based solution that had a lot in common with the most intuitive dashboards available.

This was industrial scale WiFi management with a dashboard your mother might even love.

They took the pain out of managing WiFi endpoints. Organizations ranging from universities to hotel chains deploy, manage, monitor, secure and shape traffic for often widely distributed systems – and with Meraki do so in an intuitive way. (They were so successful that Cisco snapped them up).

So Meraki had a simple premise: since you’re already monitoring your WiFi with their endpoints, why not also use that same dashboard to monitor nearby beacons?

And while they were at it, they threw in the capacity of their WiFi box to ACT as a beacon – a boon to a smaller location that might not need a beacon in every aisle but just wants to send a beacon message when you arrive at the front door.

Their solution solved a simple problem: can I easily monitor all the beacons in the area, keep an eye on their batteries and other signals, and do something useful with the data?

Adam Weis, a brilliant guy and someone who helped drive a lot of the thinking behind the Meraki approach, explains:

Is Monitoring and Configuring the Same Thing?

The Meraki system is simple. It has an incredibly elegant and easy-to-use interface. It not only broadcasts as a beacon, but lets you monitor for ALL Bluetooth-enabled devices in its region:

It helps answer one of the more pressing challenges of fleet management: making sure your beacons are still working and that their batteries haven’t run out. By also monitoring other devices in the region, Meraki is providing a richer data set. I can now compare, for example, the number of total devices and then cross-tabulate that data to the number of beacon “app impressions”.

Meraki can’t, however, update a beacon’s firmware or update their UUIDs. To do that, you need to be able to “pair” with the beacon and the pairing is usually handled by tools provided by the beacon manufacturer. In many cases this might not be an issue – but an ideal scenario would be for Meraki to also partner with beacon manufacturers to allow institutions to also PAIR with the beacons via the Meraki dashboard.

In the meantime, it’s where solutions like the Kontakt Cloud Beacon come in – systems to manage your fleet of beacons and their ID numbers, but without the advantage of being a full WiFi endpoint.

WiFi + Beacon Is A Big Win for Many Use Cases

But let’s face it – in many cases, Meraki is enough. A library, for example, probably doesn’t need to swap the UUIDs of its beacons very often and firmware updates aren’t usually deployed, or rarely. And Meraki offers the advantage that it takes care of another key challenge in creating a ‘connected space’ – you need to manage WiFi access as well, shape WiFi traffic, and would prefer to do so in an intuitive way.

If your WiFi network can also ACT as a beacon and monitor the small fleet you have set up in your hotel lobby, say, then you’re getting two for the price of one: an intuitive WiFi management tool, a beacon, and the ability to monitor any additional beacons you place in your space.

Where Technologies Intersect

But there might be something more profound at play.

Because as beacons have shifted into larger deployments, they’ve also shifted into being just one of several technologies being used to ‘digitize physical space’. And it intrigues me to think about a future in which beacon detection can be combined with network monitoring and access management and then be used to shape new kinds of experiences in a location.

Today, you drop by a Starbucks and hop on a WiFi network. But in the future, a combination of beacon interactions and WiFi access might be combined to create new kinds of experiences.

We call beacons the “gateway drug to the Internet of Things”. They’ve been easy to understand. And they open our eyes to a world in which physical space is a new digital touch point. As they start to intersect with other technologies their management will become more complex but the types of interactions we can enable will also become more elegant, more innovative, and hopefully more useful to the end user.

Meraki has shown us one way that beacon technology will start to intersect with others. As we create the digital fabrics of physical space, it’s an early indicator that the beacon era is just getting started.

Share Your Thoughts

Join our e-mail list for more on iBeacons and BLE. Join the conversation on Twitter, or connect with me on LinkedIn.

What other technologies will beacons intersect with? What are the use cases for WiFi and beacon monitoring and where do you see Meraki fitting into your plans? Drop a line below.

Tutorial: Using Beacon and iBeacon Technologies on Your iPhone / iPad with PubNub | Guest Post

iBeacon has been quite a buzzword since the release of iOS 7 when Apple enabled all their iPhones since the 4S with this new BLE technology.

The iBeacon is simply a protocol that takes advantage of the new Bluetooth Low Energy technologies. It has been easy for companies, aside from Apple, to emulate similar protocols such as estimote or AltBeacon. As a result, we thought iBeacon and PubNub could fit together in some pretty cool ways.

In this article, we will explain how the iBeacon protocol works by taking a closer look at how the emitted data is actually structured. We will move onto how to use the iOS sdk to detect and emit beacons. Finally we will try to see if we can use other protocols on iOS devices.


iBeacon Detecto
iBeacon Emitter


What an iBeacon’s Advertisement Looks Like

According to the Bluetooth v4 specification, a beacon advertises a data package called the Scan Response Data.

This Data can be up to 31 bytes. If we create a smaller scan response, the remaining bytes will be filled with as many 0s.

The scan response is divided into what are called AD structures. They are sequences of bytes of various size, with a predefined structure that goes as follows:

  • The first byte represents the number of bytes left to the end of the AD structure. This allows a receiver of this structure to know when it ends and when a new AD structure starts.
  • The second byte is the ID of an AD structure type.
  • The rest of the bytes are data that is structured in a predefined way depending on what AD type was defined by the previous byte.

That’s all there is to it. Just a succession of AD structures.

Most beacon protocols have only 2 AD structures, which are as follows.

The first one has 3 bytes:

  • The first byte will be: 0x02 because we only count the following bytes.
  • The second byte is: 0x01 which indicates we have a “Flag” AD type.
  • The last byte represents theses flags. These flags express whether the emitting device is, in “Limited Discoverable Mode”, “General Discoverable Mode”, etc… The byte is computed the following way:

The 5 flags are represented by the first 5 bits of a byte. The value of these bits defines whether the flag is ON or OFF. The binary number is then written as a hexadecimal value which will be advertised. An example may clear things up:

bit 0 OFF LE Limited Discoverable Mode
bit 1 ON LE General Discoverable Mode
bit 2 OFF BR/EDR Supported
bit 3 ON Simultaneous LE and BR/EDR to same Device Capable (controller)
bit 4 ON Simultaneous LE and BR/EDR to same Device Capable (host)

The resulting binary value hence becomes: b00011010 Converted into a hex, we get: 0x1A

That’s all there is to the first AD structure! Let’s look into the second one, which contains most of the information we need!




The second structure can be of a different size according to the protocol. Let’s look at the detected scan response emitted by an iPhone.

  • First byte is 0x1A (26 in hexadecimal).
  • The next byte is always 0xFF which means we have a “Manufacturer Specific” type of AD structure.
  • As a result, the 2 following bytes represent the company identifier as defined on For an iOS device, the manufacturer is “Apple Inc.” whose company ID is 76. In hexadecimal value, this is equal 0x004C. The ID, written as little endian, takes up 2 bytes. Here it will be 0x04C 0x00 in this order.
  • The rest is Manufacturer specific data.

For the iBeacon protocol, the 2 first bytes of the manufacturer specific data are always 0x02 0x15. The next 16 bytes are a UUID representing the advertiser’s organizational unit and the 4 following bytes are going to be the major and the minor. They are 2 bytes long numbers.

There is a final byte at the end of the data structure called the TX Power, which represents the device’s signal reference intensity a meter away from it. This value is held into a single byte which is the two’s complement of the signal’s intensity in dB.

Computing the distance to a Beacon

When a scan response is detected by a device, it also determines the intensity of the received signal. Hence the iBeacon protocol uses the reference value held in the TX Power byte and compares it to the intensity of the signal effectively received. This allows iBeacons to compute an estimation of the distance to the emitting beacon. This is a great quality of iBeacons, but note that the intensity of the signal depends vastly on existing obstacles or simply on the geometry of the room. As a result Apple does not recommend to use iBeacons to determine precise locations.

The algorithm used to compute the distance is not open-source, although others have tried to emulate matching ones.

How to Use Apple’s SDK for iBeacon

Emitting or detecting iBeacon data is organized around iBeacon regions.



These regions are instantiated with optional initial values such as the UUID, major or minor. In the case of detecting an iBeacon, this region object defines what type of beacon scan response should be detected. For example, if you provide a UUID, only the beacons with matching UUIDs will be detected, regardless of the major and minor. If you also provide these values, you’ll detect only beacons matching all three of these values.

When emitting an iBeacon signal, the region object based on the values of the UUID, major and minor generates the data structure to be advertised.

As you may have guessed, this makes the iOS SDK very simple to use! For more detailed examples, check out our beacon emitter and beacon detector tutorials.

However, it also makes things much more difficult when you are trying to use a protocol different from iBeacon! Let’s look into that immediately.

Using Apple’s SDK for AltBeacon or Estimote

We have seen how complicated the scan response can be, and how Apple simplified the SDK so that we just need to enter the UUID, major and minor to set it up. However, with other beacon protocols, the scan response has a different structure which Apple makes hard for us to tweak.

Detecting other beacons

When detecting iBeacons, the locationManager:didRangeBeacons:InRegion: method is called on the event of a detected signal. However, this is very specific to iBeacons. When detecting another BLE signal, you must not use a CLLocationManager instance, but a CBPeripheralManager which detects ANY BLE advertisement EXCEPT iBeacons, which will be blocked.

The callback that will be triggered upon detection is centralManager:didDiscoverPeripheral:advertisementData:RSSI: . The advertisement data that is returned is a dictionary holding 2 objects; one for each data structure of the scan response. Here is a sample response from an AltBeacon.

kCBAdvDataIsConnectable = 0;
kCBAdvDataManufacturerData = <1801beac 0cf052c2 97ca407c 84f8b62a ac4e9020 00090006 c5>;

The top element represents the first, three bytes long, “Flag” data structure. The second one represents the manufacturer specific data following the bytes describing the size and type of the data structure.

This is good news for us, and means we can detect any beacon information!

Emitting another beacon

We have found things are much trickier when it comes to advertising custom beacon scan responses. We can try to build an NSDictionnary similar to the one detected and try to advertise it using the startAdvertising method.

However the advertisement data keys available for detection are limited to only CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey and CBAdvertisementDataServiceUUIDsKey when it comes to advertising the data. It is Apple’s way of preventing us from building manufacturer specific data outside of the iBeacon protocol.

So there you have it! We went through apple’s iBeacon protocol, looked at how we could detect other beacons and apple’s restrictions to advertising data. We have some working examples and tutorials to build an iBeacon app on Swift – check out our beacon emitter and beacon detector tutorials, which allow you to get the best out of iBeacons by establishing a two-way communication which beacons aren’t usually capable of. The reason why we think it’s great is that we use PubNub to enhance beacons’ capabilities while still keeping their low energy consumption asset! Sweet, right?


Guest Authors 

Norvan Sahiner and Sunny Gleason wrote this tutorial series on behalf of PubNub, a platform that allows you to build and scale realtime apps for connected devices.

Kontakt Cloud Beacon: Shipping Goodness

cloud-beacon is finally shipping its Cloud Beacon developer kits – and the little units pack a powerful punch.

Their Cloud Beacon is one of a suite of emerging technologies that support large-scale beacon deployments. They help overcome issues with security, monitoring, management and quality assurance and bring proximity technology to an industrial-scale/enterprise-grade level which may soon make them as ubiquitous as smoke detectors in some businesses.

What Cloud Beacon Solves

Some days it feels like we’ve been, well, plugging away at beacons for years. And yet the technology has only really started moving past pilots and tests in the past 6-12 months.

Even many of the large-scale deployments have been single beacon installations – chains of stores with a beacon at the front door triggering a push message or interaction when you arrive.

And one of the rate-limiting factors has been management, security and ‘data at scale’.

The approach of the beacon manufacturers has ranged from treating beacons as relatively disposable end points (they’re relatively cheap for the power they pack, so you can afford to deploy them, remove them, and then deploy more), to cloud-based solutions which use the end user’s phone to complete management tasks as a sort of hidden payload (for example, run a quick check of the beacon’s battery in the background of a user’s app).

For security, beacon companies have either randomized the ID numbers that beacons broadcast, provided on-site management tools which require a management app (and some staff), or encapsulated the beacon access in the app-side SDK.

In other words, there are lots of solutions to some of the most vexing challenges with beacons, especially if you plan to deploy them at scale:

  • Create enough randomization or security so that your beacons can’t be hijacked
  • Be able to change the UUIDs and broadcast information of your beacon (or use cloud-based services)  so that you can provide different access abilities to different apps at different times
  • Monitor the battery levels of your beacons so that they don’t go “dark”

Beacons Are An Internet End Point

The solution of is to treat beacons as another Internet end point.

Their belief is that a beacon is just another ‘dumb transmitter’ if it’s simply sitting on a shelf broadcasting a signal. If your app is doing all the work of connecting to and managing the beacon, it’s one step removed from the Internet of Things.

By connecting beacons to a little mini hub, we start to unlock the first step in a larger series of values which come from being a node that’s directly connected to the Internet rather than through the proxy of an app or mobile device.

What Cloud Beacon Does

Put a cloud beacon in your store or factory and it can “talk” to beacons within 200 meters. By being able to do so, it can:

  • Check their power levels
  • Update their firmware
  • Swap, change, rotate or update their broadcast packets (UUIDs, frequency, RSSI and other data)
  • Make sure they’re still online

The Cloud Beacon can do so because it has the capacity to couple with the beacons in its vicinity and then “call home” via WiFi. You can toggle the frequency with which it calls home and manage the cloud beacon itself much as you manage a beacon’s advertising intervals and settings to conserve power.

Packing additional punch, the Cloud Beacon also does passive WiFi monitoring to detect the presence of mobile devices in the vicinity. For data-conscious enterprise, this allows a more thorough data set of visitors – telling you, for example, that there were 1,000 visitors to your store and that 10% had a beacon-enabled app.

The Magic of Connected Spaces

But I think where Cloud Beacon, and other technologies like it, get their magic is that, first, they advance the ability of beacons to be deployed at scale. It isn’t always feasible to have staff checking your beacons across a chain of 1,000 stores, and holding that capacity within the payload of a user or administrative app has its drawbacks.

But Cloud Beacon represents the larger move to an Internet of Things in which relatively dumb and simple devices are nodes in a larger web of connected devices.

As beacons evolve to include mesh capabilities, to carry more data, to connect with more things, the concept of connected spaces won’t be enabled by single devices but by a cloud of services and gizmos each serving a purpose within the larger task of making the physical world a digital interface.

Share Your Thoughts

Join our e-mail list for more on iBeacons and BLE. Join the conversation on Twitter, or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Have you received your Cloud Beacon developer kit yet? What do you think? What other solutions do you think are rising to the top for fleet management and beacon deployments?

Apple Launches an iBeacon [and they call it a watch]

The speculation was correct. Apple launched its own iBeacon.

But it didn’t come in the form you might have been expecting. Instead, you’ll strap it to your wrist and in so doing, the power of beacons to help make sense of the world around us will have a very personal, tactile and physical connection – right down to our pulse, the steps we take, and the friends we send our heart beats to.

Setting aside the lust-worthy bands or Swiss-level precision of the bevel (check out the “Watch Guy” to learn why), the Apple Watch is clearly more than a beacon. It’s a fusion of industrial design, software and sensors. But for those of us working in the world of beacons it’s a reminder that the power of proximity won’t rest in a one-to-one relationship between dumb and smart devices, but between many smart devices connecting to many other smart devices.

Dumb Beacons, Big Challenges

The challenge for the ‘becosystem’ will be breaking the lock on the mental model which was facilitated by the first wave of proximity beacons.

Companies like Estimote established the standard: they promised that simple, elegantly designed ‘motes’ could be popped onto the wall of your local store and deliver coupons or other messages.

And the uptake of beacons, whether in museums, Tulip gardens or your local coffee shop, was powered in large part by its seeming simplicity. The code you need on an Apple or Android device is relatively simple: a few lines in your software and your app can listen for beacons and, once detected, do “stuff”.

The initial challenge was to figure out what that stuff should be.

This turned out to be harder than most folks imagined: because suddenly, you had to shift from designing for mobile devices to designing for something far more messy and imperfect.

Namely, the physical world.

Push the wrong message at the wrong time and you’re suddenly sending a “Nice to See You” message in the toilets rather than the front door of your restaurant.

Reality is fuzzy, filled with interference, there’s little clarity between the shoe department and accessories even though the ‘zones’ might seem like they’re clearly marked.

Reality wasn’t designed to be digital and yet the promise of digitizing the grocery store was compelling enough to at least try.

What we discovered, however, was that even though beacons are relatively dumb, you need to be reasonably smart about how you deploy, manage and create experiences around them.

Beyond the Dumb Beacon

We’ve called beacons the gateway drug to the Internet of Everything.

On their own, they pose intense design challenges – challenges which, it turns out, can’t always be tackled with the elegance they deserve. And we admit that we went through months of trial and error and testing to even approach getting those challenges right. (Thankfully it’s pretty much all we do, so we had the luxury of focus).

Until now, the use of beacons has mostly focused on treating them solely as ‘dumb’ devices.

Powered by Bluetooth Low Energy (or Bluetooth Smart), beacons are, after all, not much more than radio transmitters that broadcast small packets of data which are picked up by nearby phones or other devices.

But the power of beacons is both a product of the paradigm they represent, and the exponential value they provide when coupled with other technologies.

Bluetooth Smart (BLE) uses a service-based architecture upon which profiles are built. Even excluding technologies such as passive WiFi monitoring, BLE itself has over a dozen ‘profiles’, from proximity (which powers beacons) to heart beat monitoring, time monitoring and “find me”/link loss services.

Add in chips to detect humidity, a gyroscope and an accelerometer and suddenly a simple beacon becomes a tiny powerhouse of data.

The Tempo

The Tempo is still one of our favorite devices. In spite all the beacons we’ve seen and tested, these little ‘stones’ still have the best app-side user interface, the best design, and give Apple a run for its money in terms of form and function.

And they’ve recently added iBeacon support. Richard Hancock, CEO of Blue Maestro,  tells me that “Through the app, users can turn on iBeacon mode and it will act as both an environment monitor and an iBeacon at the same time by intertwining broadcasts.”

“Tempo is particularly suited to use cases where iBeacon functionality and environmental monitoring is important, such as in museums, historic tourist attractions, transportation networks and stadiums.” He explains that “as iBeacon functionality is expanded by Apple (and Android), we will have the potential to do neat things with Tempo, such as automatically determine whether the environmental data has been harvested and, if not, trigger the download from the device, without having to involve a user.”

The device isn’t just beautiful to hold. The app isn’t just a rock solid interface which, you know, actually works. (I can’t tell you how many times we scream in frustration at the beacon companies whose apps time out when trying to pair so that you can recalibrate the settings).

Instead, Blue Maestro reminds us that “beacons” are already more than just proximity – they’re turning into incredibly powerful, multi-sensing machines.

The Smarter Cloud

Coupled with smarter devices is the smarter cloud.

Kontakt, for example, has launched its Cloud Beacon. Its power doesn’t rest, however, in the fact that it’s WiFi enabled. Its power rests in the simplicity with which it lets you manage fleets of beacons and harvest anonymized data.

Kontakt, whose sole focus is beacons, brings its not insubstantial expertise to the task of extending a simple beacon into a full network that combines WiFi with cloud-based control.

But from another angle, companies like, propose extending existing ‘smart infrastructure’ in order to extend it to beacons:

Why The Apple Watch Reminds Us of the REAL Future

But these developments pale in comparison to the real power of beacons.

We’ve long proposed that beacons represent the first in a paradigm-change for computing:

  • Proximity is different from location. Whether through beacons, Google’s Project Tango, or increasingly refined ambient signal detection, we’ve entered an era in which we can know what we’re close to, whether a stationary shelf or a moving vehicle.
  • Because our devices can now ‘see’ what they’re close to, the physical world itself is becoming a digital interface. This blurring of the digital with the physical means that there will soon be no offline.

And if our phones can ‘see’, and if our devices are also beacons (which is the case with Android-L capable phones and Apple devices) then it means we can also see….each other. And our devices can start to talk. And if our devices can start to talk, they can also start to do so without us even necessarily participating in the exhange.

Google Now gets us where we need to go. Our Apple Watch will gently tap us on the wrist if we’re driving in the right direction.

These ambient cues may still connect us to our devices and make us aware that they’re working on our behalf, but over time they’ll be more ambient and calm than pushy and forthright.

Lights in the Muji Change Room – One Day, They Won’t Need You To Touch

Objects will glow. Digital signage will subtly change. The change room in your local store will switch its lighting to show how your outfit looks in the actual light that you typically find yourself in.

And your watch.

Your watch is the new skeumorphic. Mostly familiar, mostly simple looking, it even tells the time and has a crown.

But as a beacon, it takes sensors, broadcasting and connection to a new level.

Your pulse is a text message. A gentle tap on your wrist is an interaction with another beacon.

Your watch won’t just be a connection to dumb devices planted in the world around you. For better or worse, your watch turns your physical body into a digital interface.

Mesh networks, continuity between devices, objects talking to each other, and our very pulse are creating a new canvas upon which digital interactions will be deployed.

We’ve said that with beacons, we’re inviting engagement with the physical world through the most personal object most of us own (our phone).

But Apple Watch and other wearables are extending this metaphor into even more personal spaces, into even more personal realms of data and connection, and are part of a network of nodes which is larger than we can conceivably imagine.

So, What’s Your Channel?

We spend a lot of time thinking about beacons. Trying to figure out how to deploy 10s and 100s of thousands of beacons keeps us awake at night worrying about signal interference and sun spots. (OK, well, we DO have our moments of random terror I suppose).

But what’s more challenging, and we think more interesting, is what it means for the user to be walking through an array of beacons that cover entire towns.

A visit to the grocery store can be a utility or it can be a cultural exploration. A wander down Main Street can be a chance to browse and window shop or it can be a chance to connect to community. A digital billboard can be an ad, or it can be the start of a story, an aspiration or an adventure.

The Internet gave us access to a universe of stories. Social media connected those tales to others. Beacons connected them to the physical world. And wearables bring them back to the domain with which we still have our most visceral and emotional connections: the physical world, our selves.

Apple and Samsung and Nike have invited themselves onto the most personal real estate there is. But it’s the connection of these devices to the world around us that creates the truly profound change – and gives both the ability for data to be harvested and experiences to be driven, pushed and personalized; and for us to understand these connections as a new art form, a new network of pulsing, ambient and personal power.

The motto of this site is Be The Beacon.

Now, more than ever, we are.

Toronto Dsrupted – Join Me!

I’ll be presenting this week at the Dsrupted Conference in Toronto. If you’re interested in beacons, digital signage and the next generation of ‘screens’ and devices you should join us.

Share Your Thoughts

Join our e-mail list for more on iBeacons. Join the conversation on Twitter, or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Thoughts on wearables? Comments on Apple Watch? Drop them in the comments below.

And a side note: if you’ve commented before your contribution should immediately appear. But I’ve turned moderation back on because the darn Akismet spam filter just doesn’t seem up to the task. So, apologies in advance if it takes me a bit of time to approve your comment.

Grow Beyond the Beacon: Shift Your Business to the Internet of Things | Guest Post

Bluetooth Low Energy came out of Nokia, an important innovator in mobile wireless technology. It was renamed from Wibree to Bluetooth 4.0 when it was handed over to the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) which allowed it to gain adoption quickly behind the Bluetooth brand

When Apple and others picked it up to make indoor localization consumer ready, they incubated a whole industry of beacon vendors and alternative approaches to BLE for indoor localization.

In concept, Apple’s idea is the simplest (and probably here to stay). But beyond beacons lies a whole area of untapped potential by leveraging the same technology in the current crop of beacons.

Discover the Power Inside Existing Beacons

Almost all the beacons on the market have a complete Bluetooth 4.0 stack waiting to be discovered by makers and product people.

Beacons work like lighthouses, broadcasting their position into the air, so navigators can use them as guides. These Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices could broadcast other information as well such as battery power or sensor data from the environment. Since BLE devices are usually extremly low power devices running on battery, they are small and independent enough that we can attach them to anything – from plants to fridges, cars, pillows, cats, …

That idea of super low power devices being various helpers in our everyday life isn’t new. It’s called the Internet of Things (IOT), which is the catchphrase for an industry that overlaps with beacons – in fact you could claim it’s the same thing.

Enabling IoT from where we are today with beacons is rewarding, business-wise, as it moves the product from being ‘another beacon thing’ to a specific consumer use case. At the same time, it’s not technically challenging, because beacons already use IoT technology at their heart.

Using IOT To Solve Problems

The key differentiator is on product design and solving a specific problem.

Let’s take plant watering, which is something that I regularly do wrong, so i’d really like something that shows me water levels on my phone.

Consumer adoption of digital moist meter solutions were always hindered by the fact that they are expensive, power hungry, big, and ugly. Here’s the secret sauce: any Beacon has gpios. If you stick two of them into soil, you have a moist meter.

It doesn’t stop with sensors. Actuators can be driven over BLE as well. Imagine something as simple as an automated hamster feeding machine controllable from your iPhones and Androids. How about a physical door opener or something that let’s me remote start those fricking Roombas from my couch (you know, the simple things that matter!)

In fact, my team built something that let’s you do that. It’s called the airfy Beacon.

As a consumer ready iBeacon compliant device, it lets you trigger lights using the iOS proximity APIs, but it’s also a hacker device, letting you, well.. stick a bunch of wires in soil and have the thing broadcast moist levels. Check it out on Kickstarter.

Bringing the Internet TO Things

A more elaborate aspect of the Internet of Things is literally bringing the Internet to things, we call it end to end IP. Connecting tiny and cheap (read: high margin) devices directly to the unrelenting creative power of the Internet is a makers dream.

Looking at the remarkable success of the Arduino, we can learn that enabling hackers is something that can be lucrative and personally rewarding, up to becoming a legendary product.

“End to End” is a long shot, with my team working together with scientists from the Berlin FU to get there. So focusing our resources and abilities on extending the beacon ecosystem into sensors and actuator networks over bluetooth is a nice short term sprint, available to anyone who already builds beacons.

In terms of technology, BLE has already existing tools available, such as GATT, to enable announcement and data exchange.

Think of it as a way to say “I’m sort of like a button, when the user presses me, I’ll send you a message”. It’s the same thing Bluetooth mice do.

Again, the best thing about all of this: you already built it. All you need to do to change markets, is to piggyback a new use case on top of your existing Beacons.

About the Author

Arvid E. Picciani (aep) is the CTO of, an ex-Nokia engineer, IoT pioneer, and self-proclaimed embedded devices hacker. You can find more posts by Arvid on the airfy Blog.

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iWatch, iBeacon and What's Wrong With Wearables

iWatch Concept from Charlie No

When you working with iBeacon technology, the coming generation of wearable devices seems like a natural extension to how you think about user experiences.

What better place, after all, to push a welcome message triggered by a beacon than to your wrist? If you’re not asking your customer to take their phone out of their pocket every 15 seconds as they wander the aisles of the grocery store, surely you can increase information and message density if all they need to do is glance at their watch?

But just like the earliest press reports and experiments with iBeacon technology were mostly clumsy and focused on a narrow set of use cases, the way we view smart watches is partly wrong and is focused more on the retailer, hardware maker, or ad platform than on the actual person who needs to wear the thing.

What a Watch Means

I still remember my first watch. It looked kind of stylish with a gold edge and clean white face and serif font symbols. Wearing it made me feel – well, adult, I guess.

I suppose it was a status symbol – although I come from a generation where you didn’t measure your peers by the kinds of sneakers they had, so it was probably a less blatant symbol than a smart watch might be today. But it was certainly a marker – it said to ME, at least, that I had passed a border into some kind of pseudo adult world of responsibility and ornamentation.

To that end, Forbes speculates that the recent hiring blitz for wearables talent at Apple means they’re about to become a fashion company, ready to launch a luxury brand:

I contend that Apple is in the process of building a brand strategy that will make the smartwatch in general and the iWatch in particular ubiquitous in the high-end retail environment and in popular culture. Through this positioning all of the utility promised for health, fitness and contextual information will be delivered—but that is the cart not the horse.

And while this might seem obvious to the general consumer (a watch should look beautiful, should convey more than utility) it isn’t always obvious to tech-obsessed engineering focused companies like Google or Amazon. As Khoi Vin neatly summarizes:

When technology companies look at goods that are built from the outside in, they generally see irrationality and inefficiency, a broken market just waiting to be corrected and “disrupted.” They believe that they can engineer so much value into these items that people will be swayed to buy goods built from the inside out, that the promise that drives hardware and software—“adopt this and benefit from its utility”—will convince people to upend their sartorial habits. This is how you get products like Google Glass, which assumes that consumers prize utility so much that they’re willing to look like they have no interest whatsoever in having intimate relations with another human being.

The Control of Time

But my watch was also something else. While perhaps illusory, it was also a symbol of control. It gave me the chance to have personal control over The Time.

It meant I could manage it, segment it, keep an eye on it. Being able to “Watch The Time” was now personal, and I had the tool to do so.

In my generation, time was perhaps the defining anxiety. Popular culture imagined “a time” when we’d have more time for leisure and would need to dedicate less time to work. Technology was imagined as a time saver – meals could be prepared faster with microwaves, houses could be cleaned faster, we’d need to spend less time at the office. We were on the cusp of a society-wide leisure class, where time would be released because of technology and would give us more time for the things we love.

We were trying to shake the boundaries of time. Live longer, enjoy more, work less. Technology would make it possible.

But instead, time took second position to a new anxiety, a new obsession.

We don’t talk about time anymore – other than as subservient to a new age of anxiety, one driven by information. Time has been lost because we have to deal with too much information. Time isn’t the end game, the thing to be controlled.

Instead, it’s data we wrestle with: too much information, too many e-mails, too many tweets and wall posts and pins, too many late night text messages from our boss and too many feeds we feel we need to keep on top of.

We once wrestled with, dreaded and remained hopeful that we could control time. Now, we wrestle with, dread and remain hopeful that we can, somehow, control the flow of information.

We worship at the altar of the cloud, of Big Data, and information becoming smarter. But this comes coupled with anxieties over surveillance, information overload, and desperately looking for a new tool, a new dashboard, a new way to deal with the deluge of data.

iBeacon: Programmed to Receive

Bluetooth LE beacons are simple. They send out small packets of data which your phone receives and can then act upon.

From this paradigm, the design of user experiences seems to follow a natural progression to ‘pushing’ data and information to a customer based on proximity.

But as I’ve long argued on this blog, beacons very quickly challenge UX designers to think about user experiences in new ways:

  • How many messages are too many?
  • How do you trade off ambient and ‘push’ experiences?
  • If beacons are triggers to real world people, places and things – how does the physical world itself need to change to enable to user experience?
  • What happens when you have more than one beacon? What happens when people (like shop assistants) are beacons too?
  • How do you juggle the fact that a phone can detect more information density than a typical consumer – especially when you combine the information density of a phone with the visual density of a physical place?

And yet the current generation of smart watches treat the wrist as an extension of the “receive/broadcast” paradigm.

They’re just another screen that’s programmed to receive – whether ads, push notices, or directions to work.

Driven primarily by companies with a vested interest in creating more advertising space, wearables are treated primarily as another screen that’s meant to receive.

In contrast, health wearables like Fitbit or Nike Fuel are data collection engines. Ostensibly acting to motivate and measure, to give you a sense of control over the amount of exercise you do, the number of calories you burn, or the number of hours you sleep – they walk a difficult line between providing this sense of control and just adding to the problem – more data to parse in your already information-saturated day.

Smart watches are another ad screen (albeit with lots of other stuff wrapped around that idea). And health wearables are data gathering engines programmed to create more data on your phone, tablet or PC.

More data, more information, and less time.

A Clean, Well-Lit Space

In a seminal interview about virtual worlds seven years ago, Eben Moglen, an IBM fellow, spoke about the challenges of digital space on our sense of privacy and control:

I see again and again the ways in which people now find themselves unable to make certain life choices easily because there digital self has acquired an inflexibility that constrains their non-digital self…We understood when the Soviet Empire decayed that all over it were places where people felt trapped in webs of surveillance and betrayal and interaction that had a kind of sinister feeling even if there is no Gulag and there is no shooting. And many of us feel very uncomfortable with the changes in the society we live in the United States in the past several years where for us there is no Gulag, no shooting, no being swept away with out charges.

Social contracts ought to be available in a machine readable form which allows the (user) to know exactly what the rules are and to allow you set effective guidelines about I don’t go to spaces where people don’t treat me in ways that I consider to be crucial in my treatment.

It has got to tell you what the rules are of the space where you are it has to give you an opportunity to make an informed consent about what is going to happen given those rules. It has got to give you an opportunity to know those things in an automatic sort of way so I can set up my avatar to say, you know what, I don’t go to places where I am on video camera all the time. Self, if you are about to walk into a room where there are video cameras on all the time just don’t walk through that door. So I don’t have to sign up and click yes on 27 agreements, I have got (a profile) that doesn’t go into places that aren’t clean and well lit.

This concept of a clean, well-lit space has resonated with me for years.

And thinking of it now, it reminds me of my first watch: a device that gave me a sense of control, a clean interface to something over which I might not be able to change, but I could at least learn to accommodate, to live with, to manage.

The current generation of wearable devices might give me more information, and the data it presents might even be smarter…but measuring its utility (as Google did in launching its wearables platform) in the number of times I won’t need to take my phone out of my pocket (or the ability to order pizza) is a less compelling emotional story than my first watch – which gave me control over time itself.

Will The iWatch Transmit or Receive?

I have no idea what Apple has planned for its iWatch, obviously. But knowing their history in carefully balancing consumer trust, privacy and experience on the one hand, and developer tools and flexibility on the other, I expect them to tackle this issue of control in an Apple-like way.

Now, clearly, an iWatch will receive. It will be a screen. And a few months ago I would have imagined that its primary purpose would be to offload push messaging, step tracking, heart rate monitoring, music controls and other functions from the phone to the wrist. (And all of these things will likely be true).

But there’s potentially another paradigm in place – one that will be recognized by those who think long and hard about beacons. Because in addition to being another screen, data capture device and interface controller, I think the real value of an iWatch could come from someplace else.

Because what if, much like beacons, the iWatch was less a receiving screen and instead was more like a broadcaster? What if your watch was, like a beacon, a way to signal to the world around you: “I’m here, and here are the permissions I’m giving you, here are the rules of my being in this space, and if I choose to I’ll share my identity or let you send me messages and communicate.”

In this view, an iWatch (and other future wearables) shouldn’t just be a screen programmed to receive.

It’s a wearable form of identity and intent.

It lets the world know what you want to do today, what kinds of friends you want to say hello to, what kind of relationship you want with the store or the gym, what kind of cashless transactions you want to participate in, and what your rules are for clean, well-lit rooms.

Power, connection, control, a sense of self, a tool to shift the balance from the broadcaster back to the receiver. And maybe it will look cool too.

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iBeacon for Health: With BLE, a Nudge Will Do

Project Boundary wants to make you healthier.

By placing beacons at key locations, it encourages you to make better choices based on proximity, using gamification to reward participants.

A beacon at an elevator, for example, can send a message encouraging you to take the stairs instead. Do so and unlock the mountaineer achievement and get feedback for making the right decision.

Project Boundary was an entry in the SmartAmerican Challenge, a White House Presidential Innovation Fellow project. The initiative uses Gimbal beacons and the Spark Compass platform to send messages that encourage healthier choices as you move through your day.

The project doesn’t just hold lessons for health and wellness – it’s a reminder that in this new era of contextual and proximity experiences, moving the needle can happen through a collection of small nudges.

In the past, I’ve called this the ‘seductive layer of the Internet of Everything’: a view to experience design that eschews big gestures and heavy-handed coupons or in-your-face advertising for a series of smaller gestures based on context.

We engage, suggest, provide contextually-relevant media. And if we do it right, we can encourage shifts in behavior.

You might not get everyone through the door with your beacon-driven push messages. But increase your foot traffic by 3-4% and it can make a big difference to your bottom line.

Small Nudges, Big Differences

Erik Bjontegard Presents at the SmartAmerica Expo

The CEO of Total Communicator Solutions agrees. I spoke with him recently about Project Boundary, and about his vision for beacons and contextual experiences.

Erik Bjontegard was getting ready to present at the SmartAmerica Expo whose goal is to “boost American competitiveness and provide concrete examples of socio-economic benefits such as job creation, creating new business opportunities, improving the economy, improving/saving lives, by combining Cyber Physical System technology created from significant investments made by both government and private sector.”

Behind the scenes, Erik and his team had jumped through considerable hoops to install Project Boundary at the HHS offices.

“It’s been a rewarding project,” Erik told me. “what we’re doing is we think the first time that beacons have been used to encourage and reward healthier behavior. HHS is excited about it because with beacons we can encourage people to drink more water, to be healthy at the vending machine, to take the stairs instead of elevators. Our approach is to use beacons at key waypoints throughout the HHS building and assign points and rewards if participants make healthy choices.”

The use of Gimbal beacons were a natural fit both because the Spark Compass platform has been built around Gimbal, and because their security layer provided assurances to the security-conscious officials at a government building right next to the capital.

“We had to overcome some big challenges around security and confidentiality,” said Erik. “Plus, we had two months to launch a fully functional platform, set up the beacons, create a system that would give participants points, deploy a gamification layer – it’s been hard work but exciting.”

The demo showed off the concept of Project Boundary, although Erik’s team has been deploying Gimbal beacons in trade show facilities, hospitals and other venues.

Results That Matter

“What we demonstrated was built around two key components for the healthcare system: helping clients lead healthier lives, while keeping an eye on the ramifications for cost and efficiency. Our larger goal is to take Project Boundary out of office settings and into hospitals. If we can create a system that results in tiny shifts in behavior it can move the needle in a significant way.”

“A patient can receive a message the night before seeing their physician reminding them that their procedure requires that they don’t eat, or that they sleep well. Small shifts that can have an impact on the bottom line.”

But beacons are only part of the system, as they are in retail and other environments. Beacons are the “nudge points” based on proximity, but it’s how you integrate them with other data that can make a big impact.

“We use a hybrid model,” says Erik. “Our system also integrates with systems like Qualcomm Life, management systems, and patient databases. The key is to design experiences that change behavior, lead to efficiency, create healthier patients and improve the healthcare system.”

Privacy, Security and Your Very Personal Device

But as in retail, privacy and security are big concerns.

“Especially in health,” says Bjontegard, “We’re dealing with people on a very personal level and we can’t afford to abuse this. We now have a responsibility to value the relationship we’ve established through a very personal device. We’re establishing a personal relationship through a user’s phone, which has become an extension of their being. Wearables will make this more challenging. It’s up to all of us working with beacons and contextual technology to respect this relationship.” (emphasis added).

Indeed. And a clarion call to all of us working with beacons.

Because devices that encourage you to take the stairs are just the beginning.

In this new era, Erik says that “Content may still be king…context is queen…but contextual intelligence will allow the whole universe to work. Beacons are a small tool set that allows us to do that more precisely, to bring contextual intelligence right to your phone or wrist. But there’s a lot more coming.”

In this new era, we’ll look to today’s push messages as the first in a wave of contextual and ambient computing that gets smarter as we go through the day.

The challenges to security (handled in Project Boundary by the advanced security layers offered by the Gimbal beacon and services), privacy and user engagement that we’re exploring today will seem simple compared to the next wave of mesh networks, hub-and-spoke beacon models, big data and wearables.

Project Boundary is a reminder that small gestures and thoughtful design can lead us in the direction of a smarter, more connected and perhaps even a healthier world.

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Where will the boundaries of health and contextual computing take us? How do we respect the fact that a phone is “an extension of a user’s being”? And have you seen other examples of beacons in health and wellness?

iBeacon Feels the Squeeze: Adapt (or Die?)

iOS8 is a monumental move towards devices that are more connected, more aware, and increasingly powered by iBeacon and Bluetooth LE technology. And yet in spite Apple shifting the emphasis from the screen to the world around the screen, iBeacon device makers are about to feel the squeeze.

Google is expected to follow suit with announcements (such as a contextual awareness via its Nearby feature) at their I/O conference at the end of the month.

These combined moves will result in an equally massive shift amongst beacon device makers. We expect to see rapid consolidation, some of the beacon “makers” fading from the scene, and others changing their business models.

As an industry, proximity devices and software tools will explode. And yet the first generation of early innovators will face an intense pressure to grab market share, improve their products, and respond to an increasingly demanding marketplace.

4 Ways Apple Changed the Game

iBeacon wasn’t on center stage at WDWC. (Mind you, neither was maps due to rumored internal divisions and problems with execution).  And yet the philosophy that underpins beacons was very much in evidence. As we said yesterday:

If beacons allowed our phones and tablets to see the world around them in a new and profound way, Apple has just launched a new philosophy and approach for the purpose of computing: to connect it to the physical world

The physical world, until now mostly ‘dumb’ and disconnected from our devices is, for better or worse, waking up, and our devices are responding. There is no offline. And last week, Apple demonstrated that nearly everything it’s doing to enhance its platform is directed at that fact.

But once we got off the main stage, it became clear that Apple had a few tricks up its sleeve that would have a very tangible impact on iBeacon. Here are four key take-aways that will impact iBeacon experiences:

Game Changer 1. Indoor Mapping

If you own a store, museum or other location you can now ‘register’ for indoor mapping. Let Apple know whether your location has WiFi, iBeacon and other technologies; load up a map of your store; and you can then embed wayfinding and other features into your app.

This is a significant change, and comes in direct competition with similar efforts by Google to do indoor mapping and to “own” location registration. But it also slices off a significant iBeacon use case: indoor wayfinding (something which iBeacon was never designed to do, and required extensive “hacking” to try to get it to work well).

If a store was looking to use beacons to help consumers find their way from the front door to the shoe aisle, this new feature eliminates the need for beacons in the first place.

You can think of it as ‘narrowing the range’ of a beacon – instead of using beacons, you can use the equivalent of indoor geofences.

Take-Away: Over the past year we’ve had hundreds of questions and seen dozens of companies building ‘wayfinding’ around beacons. Those use cases have (mostly) disappeared.

Game Changer 2: App Promotion

Location registration comes with a major upside: if you register your app and venue with Apple, they’ll promote your app on the lock screen of a user’s device. Arrive at the museum, and your user will see a little icon on their lock screen telling them that there’s an app specific to that location.

Take-Away: An iBeacon experience only works if your user has an app. Apple just made a game-changing move to make it easier to promote your app at your location.

Game Changer 3: Notifications and Widgets

Apple finally caught up with Android, creating a better “home screen” experience for notifications and ‘granular’ interactions with apps. As Wired reports:

Interactive notifications will spur all sorts of new behaviors. (And yes, Android already has interactive notifications, but the ones in iOS 8 look to go beyond what KitKat can do.) Some of these will be simple, like the ability to reply to an email or text message. But they’re powerful in that you can do this without quitting whatever you’re already doing. And this interactivity is not just limited to system apps. Third-party developers can take advantage of this new capability as well, so you could comment on something on Facebook, respond to a tweet, or even check in on Foursquare. But others are going to be radical, stuff we haven’t imagined yet. Once developers begin to really harness what interactive notifications can do in iOS 8—and they will—it’s going to cause one of the most radical changes since third-party apps. With the advent of iOS 8, notifications are the new interface frontier.

This will spur all kinds of new user behaviors triggered by beacons, and will shift some of the interactions from the app itself to side widgets and the ‘notification layer’.

Take-Away: You need an app to react to a beacon. But the focus has been on in-app interactions. Notifications creates a new “layer” for how users will be able to interact with beacons.

Game Changer 4: Privacy and User Choice

Apple has, again, “turned the dials” on user choice and privacy. While iOS7 gave us the ability to respond to beacons even if your app was closed, iOS8 returns some of the choice to consumers, allowing them to ‘toggle’ whether they want an app to be location-aware and at what times.

A new feature called “visit monitoring” puts more power back in a user’s hands, as 9 to 5 Mac reports:

Apple is adding a new authorization request type in addition to the one it currently does for apps that ask for permission to access a user’s location. The new type of authorization is called “When In Use” and allows developers to ask for permission to only use location data when an app is in use. Previously Apple had a single authorization type referred to now as “Always”. What this means for users is a new blue status bar for apps that opt to request “When In Use” permission to let them know the app is currently getting continuous location data in the background.

Apple has also closed the door on anonymous device tracking (a move that puts a question mark on the business models of companies like Turnstyle) by anonymizing the device ID that your iPhone transmits – similar to ‘masking’ the UUD that an iBeacon device transmits.

3 Challenges for iBeacon Manufacturers

In addition to the above, which are on their own game changers in how a proximity experience is designed, the introduction of HealthKit, Home and Swift will each have deep implications for iBeacon device-makers and their related software services.

These combine to create a tsunami of challenges for iBeacon and Bluetooth LE device makers.

Challenge 1: Demand Up, Prices Down

Apple’s changes are the tip of the iceberg. More rapid adoption of Android Kit Kat is bringing a massive new user base to proximity experiences. The changes by Apple will help overcome lingering doubts about app downloads, wayfinding, user experiences, user choice (and fear of spam), privacy and engagement.

More devices powered by BLE in the home will drive a larger demand for devices, which will have a collateral effect on the iBeacon markets in retail and other venues.

Demand will go up, but per unit costs will plummet. And yet continued problems with the BLE supply chain (especially out of China) will challenge device makers to deliver rapidly at a lower price point.

Challenge 2: Swift and Android Are Not An Option

Check most of the iBeacon device sites out there, and most of them announce that Android is “coming soon”. But just as they get poised to launch Android support, device makers will also scramble to support “native” Swift (meaning in more than just an “import Objective-C into your Swift project kind of way).

With Google announcing its next suite of tools, this will leave device-makers scrambling on two fronts, and casting a glance over at Windows and Samsung’s shift to Tizen.

Challenge 3: Wearables and the Home

And the game is about to change again. Apple’s iWatch is projected to outsell the iPad. And it’s anyone’s guess whether its launch will be coupled with changes to the iBeacon protocols. It will certainly drive new notification interactions and we can expect to see iBeacon experiences shift from your phone to your wrist.

Combined with home automation, we’ll also start to see cross-over products: beacon-powered devices for your living room that wouldn’t look out of place in a coffee shop.

What’s Next? 3 Predictions

While challenging, these are exciting times. 10,000 developer kits by Estimote looks like pocket change compared to what’s ahead. And yet the changes we’re seeing this month will lead to some pretty tough decisions by makers of iBeacon and Bluetooth LE proximity devices.

How will they respond? Expect to see at least three strategies.

Prediction 1: Move Into the Home

We’ll see beacon makers shift from retail into the larger, more competitive, and potentially more rewarding market: the home. Beacon makers will decide that the retail market has become too demanding and price-sensitive and will retool their business models to package beacons up with simple use cases for home automation and proximity detection.

Prediction 2: Shift From Beacon to Proximity/Location

Sorry, but beacons alone don’t cut it. With indoor mapping, integration into local WiFi detection, and changes to notifications and consumer privacy agencies will expect a lot more from their beacons than just fleet management. Cloud-based services will need to support indoor mapping, push notification support and management of collateral technologies.

Prediction 3: Down To the Metal

Instead of competing on “cloud”, device makers will dive deeper into the metal and their beacons will become more powerful. Beacons will combine with ARM processors, local hubs, distributed computing and mesh networks, while leaving ‘services development’ to others. These moves will be pursued aggressively by companies like BlueGiga, Nordic and Texas Instruments and will power second and third generations of beacons that make today’s devices look like toys.

Challenging? Yes. Transformative? Definitely

The world has changed forever and will be a different place in the years to come. Connected homes, quantified selves, mesh networks and nano satellites – things that seemed like dreams or scenes from a movie will be visible and real in the years ahead.

And in a few short months, the “becosystem” will also be radically changed. Stressful, nail-biting, life-altering? Yes.

But hey – we all knew what we were signing up for – a chance to change the world and participate in the creative destruction that comes with turning the physical world into the new digital interface.

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Has the game changed for iBeacon? Do things like indoor mapping make iBeacon more or less relevant? Are the makers of iBeacon and BLE devices looking at opportunity, or challenges in the months ahead?

iOS8 : Bigger Than iBeacon

Apple gave us iBeacon with the launch of iOS7. It opened up a wave of innovation around proximity-based experiences that was showing no signs of slowing down.

But iOS8 is orders of magnitude more significant. At its World Wide Developer Conference Apple didn’t just tweak a few iBeacon settings or add a few new classes to play with. Instead, they advanced a paradigm for computing that will change the Apple user experience forever.

iOS8 is a Paradigm Change and Its Built Around iBeacon

Now…I generally dislike the phrase ‘paradigm change’. But in this case I use it without reservation.

Because Apple has sketched out their forward vision for computing and how we related to our machines which is in some ways deeply surprising but in others was foreshadowed by everything we’ve learned by playing around with beacons.

Their vision will keep them on a philosophical, strategic and tactical collision course with Google, Amazon, Samsung and (to a lesser but still significant degree) the Facebooks and Pinterests of the world.

That battle will make yesterday’s fights for search, online eyeballs or mobile market share look like mild little warm-up exercises.

Because the new battle isn’t to see who can sell the most phones or who will own the biggest slice of ad dollars.

The new battle is to see who wins in the digitization of physical reality. And it’s a battle built around beacons.

iBeacon: The Gateway Drug to the Internet of Everything

When Apple opened up support for Bluetooth LE proximity detection in iOS7 it had implications for retail or ‘destination venues’ that were readily apparent. Walk down the aisle of a grocery store, and the promise of beacons was that it could deliver a coupon in front of the cereal boxes. Wander through a museum, and beacons could deliver biographies or art commentary in front of a specific painting.

But we proposed that the significance of Bluetooth LE beacons was more profound.

Because as you peeled back the layers of an iBeacon (the Apple-certified version of a BLE beacon) you’d quickly understand that:

  • iBeacon represents proximity not location. And while they work well with maps, proximity is a completely different thing. Proximity means that you could locate a user not just in place (by geolocating your beacon) but also by how close you are to something that is moving or has moved; by your connection not just to locations but to people and things; and that distances matter – allowing you to push one message out at 80 meters and another at 8 inches.
  • iBeacon and BLE beacons aren’t just devices you can stick to a wall. Your phone can be a beacon. You can put a beacon on a dog, or your child, or a piece of luggage. The shop assistant can be a beacon, and their phone can detect nearby ‘customer beacons’.

The longer you spend thinking about beacons, the more you realize that the old rules don’t apply: that you need to think about UX design using a new paradigm: one in which the physical world becomes an interface, and meaningful connections to moving objects and people suddenly become possible.

Because of this, we called iBeacon the “gateway drug to the Internet of Everything”. Because wherever you started with beacons, you ended up in conversation about connected and physical spaces that would respond and talk back.

Your devices were once (mostly) blind to the world around them – but with iBeacon they now could see.

The World: Visible

iBeacon wasn’t mentioned on the main stage at the WWDC Keynote. The workshops didn’t reveal some kind of massive change in how beacons themselves function.

And yet Apple went further. Because the undercurrent to what Apple revealed about its vision for the future was imbued with beacons. And for a simple reason:

If beacons allowed our phones and tablets to see the world around them in a new and profound way, Apple has just launched a new philosophy and approach for the purpose of computing: to connect it to the physical world.

  • HomeKit gives us new tools for the connected home
  • HealthKit gives us new tools for the quantified (and very physical) body
  • Continuity gives one app a sense of presence with another, allowing them to seamlessly transition tasks from one to another
  • MapKit has been extended to allow us to map internal spaces
  • TouchID will let your fingerprint do more than just unlock your phone, it can now be used by developers to secure transactions
  • Home screen widgets and notifications will “rule the interface” and be used to create more granular interfaces to content as we move through our busy lives
  • Apps that are specific to a location will be recommended on the home screen of your phone or tablet

Even apps themselves have been busted out of their silos. Extensions will allow apps to share data and functionality with each other – and might be how one beacon-enabled app gives access to its beacon networks to another.

Even Metal, I’d argue, which lets games and other apps tap into the raw processing power of the on-board graphic chips will, yes, make phones more immersive but they’ll also open them up to realistic simulations, more advanced augmented reality and new and improved versions of Flappy Bird. (OK, that last one we can cross off).

The biggest announcement out of WWDC for developers was the launch of an entirely new programming language. (My jaw dropped to the floor and I was both thrilled yet saddened as I glanced over at all the damn iOS7 books I bought in order to teach myself how to code in objective-C).

But even Swift carries with it the hints of a language that’s primed and ready for the Internet of Everything – and holds within it the prospect of a more distributed form of code deployment where smaller blocks will power smart watches or thermostats while “deep apps” can be developed more efficiently and with more power under the hood.

User Up, Data Down

Apple, of course, isn’t alone in recognizing that the concept of beacons is one way to understand the emergence of a fully connected world. Google is about to announce its own plans and is expected to build Google Nearby which will use the presence of beacons along with other technologies to allow deeper detection of the world around you.

It will be a welcome development. With Kit Kat adoption finally gaining steam, there are hundreds of millions of beacon-enabled Android devices coming online, and Android has been behind the curve in offering robust developer tools compared to the Apple beacon frameworks.

But enhanced support for beacons and proximity won’t change a fundamental difference between Google and Apple which Benedict Evans so brilliantly points out:

For Google, devices are dumb glass and the intelligence is in the cloud, but for Apple the cloud is just dumb storage and the device is the place for intelligence. And it’s built a whole new set of APIs, CloudKit, to enable this for developers, which it is (for the first time, I believe) dogfooding, building the photos product on it.

There’s a release cycle question in here. A phone that’s refreshed every year or replaced every two can iterate and innovate much faster than a TV, car (or fridge, or, perhaps thermostat) that may be replaced only every five or ten years. So it seems like the place for the intelligence should be in the phone rather than the TV. But the extension of this is that a cloud product can iterate every day. This is the killer advantage of enterprise SaaS over on-premises software – you can improve things all the time. And Apple updates its OS once a year and, so far, the same is true for the cloud products it builds for developers, where Google can update all of its products every week.

I agree. And yet.

The focus on the ‘cloud’ is actually yesterday’s battle. The real question isn’t whether you can iterate faster in the cloud or on the device. The real question is to try to guess which ‘ecosystem’ has a more direct path to winning the real battle: for ownership of the digitization of the physical world.

Nothing else matters. You can argue who “gets” cloud more. But the war for the cloud, the war for online advertising – they’re nothing, they’re parlor games compared to where Apple is taking us with beacons.

The physical world, until now mostly ‘dumb’ and disconnected from our devices is, for better or worse, waking up, and our devices are responding.

There is no offline. And last week, Apple demonstrated that nearly everything it’s doing to enhance its platform is directed at that fact.

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How will iOS8 change user’s perceptions about what’s possible? What was the most significant feature for the ‘becosystem’ out of WWDC? Drop a line in the comments below.

Guest Post: Who’s Watching Your Beacons? The Role of Wikibeacon and Other iBeacon Databases

Wikibeacon and similar services rely, primarily, on the ability of some phones to scan for beacons regardless of whether the ID number of the device is known to the app.

With news that Apple is further tightening the ability to scan for beacons that aren’t your own (by closing off the ability to manually input UUID numbers into an app, although not closing off any cloud-based databases it may tap into) it may be primarily Android phones that do scanning “in the wild”.

The Wikibeacon site set out to create a database of beacons. Not because it set out to be the definitive source of beacon placements, but as a way to take the temperature of beacon deployments.

A recent TechCrunch article (decidedly slanted to the positions of the author, but valuable nonetheless) pointed to Wikibeacon as evidence that beacon security is something to be taken seriously:

WikiBeacon is among the first sites to begin collecting “naked beacon” IDs and addresses — 32,000 so far — and posting them for all to see. Physical competitors are already beginning to use this data to target retailers who have been unfortunate enough to deploy naked beacons, and it’s not hard to imagine a world in which online competitors could target users, too.

If true, the author is claiming that Wikibeacon is, perhaps, comprehensive enough that it’s currently being used by companies to hijack their competitors.

Cornelius Rabsch, the Managing Director of BeaconInside, has his own take on public repositories of beacon locations:

Guest Post:
Someone Is Falling in Love with Your Beacons

Cornelius Rabsch
Geschäftsführer / Managing Director

There has been a lot of positive press coverage about WikiBeacon, a community project to map iBeacon devices around the world. Surprisingly, 3 small German cities are leading the rankings, #4 being Singapore and #5 Washington. A few thoughts immediately popped up showing a few fundamental problems with such an effort.

The Good

As an example, a tourist office could place beacons within all museums, parks and other points of interest. All beacons are guaranteed to be at exactly specified locations. The beacon meta data and related content is exposed via beacon management APIs or as part of existing Open Data initiatives. There is a clear value proposition: enable service providers to create engaging mobile experiences with valuable location-based content.

Even in commercial settings various service providers could share a single beacon and pay for a collaborative infrastructure. Why should you even install several beacons in one location? It’s all good.
Tracking Beacons

The Bad

A retailer invests a nationwide roll-out of beacons, a huge operational effort including hardware, installation and maintenance costs. It’s worth the effort because the goal is to create engaging mobile proximity services for your own customers. As good as it sounds, beacon signals are public and easy to detect and utilize. 3rd-party service providers or even competitors could use existing infrastructures to send geo-targetted notifications in their own applications (“We match all prices and provide a 2-year guarantee for free.“).

As bad as it sounds there are ways to protect beacon networks, e.g. by using frequently changing beacon identifiers or adding proprietary technologies. The risk involved in using beacons without the ownership is often too high and you cannot rely on the exact beacon position or the semantics behind it, i.e. changing store layouts or product offerings.

Nonetheless, public beacon data can be collected and creates this fear of misuse. It’s bad.

The Ugly

A good analogy is a wireless router where companies started wardriving to create databases of MAC addresses in combination with location information. An alternative way is to use already localized smartphone users to get this information. This data is valuable and can be sold.

With iBeacon networks this can be done in a similar way in theory. The big question is the value you get out of it. Just knowing that there is a beacon does not help with knowing the exact position or semantics, i.e. What zone does it represent? How large is the beacon zone? What is the exact GPS coordinate?

It’s not an ugly case, it’s just a case where transparency is needed. What is the reason for collecting this data with what kind of tools? Reselling, location fingerprinting, research, market analytics,…?


There will be all sorts of beacon networks but what infrastructure services, beacon management platforms or wikis do we need to create the most value out of it? Maybe it’s time for an Internet of Things/Beacon search engine like Thingful.

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What do you think? Do public repositories like Wikibeacon do more harm than good? What would make them better?